Hi Reader, How are you?
You can expect me, as a leadership coach, to talk about mental wellness and "focusing on the things we can control". AND I believe it is also important to recognize and name the environment and moment in which we find ourselves, much of which we can't control.
Ignoring the political and economic environment while gripping to a "positive mindset" can lead to feeling inauthentic. Misalignment between what we feel in our body and what we try to force our heads to believe can be exhausting. But being swept under by the fear and anxiety that we feel also drains us of our power. So what do we do?
I have found that there is space, between an inhale and exhale, to both name the uncertainty and arising anxiety AND root ourselves in our values and power that energizes and propels us forward, even in times of uncertainty.
Last week I shared following post on Instagram:
In the captions I shared personally that, 2016 election result was traumatic for me. I was four months pregnant and overwhelmed by all I felt. I couldn't name the emotions and I didn't know how to process them. It resulted in broken relationships, confusion, and anger.
Not unlike what many are feeling the past week.
Through the hurt and confusion I felt in 2016 I turned towards seeking understanding. I gained a lot of insight, I healed in many ways, I grew my emotional capacity and I deepened my commitments.
Today I am still doing that inner work and sharing what I learned as I support amazing passionate leaders on their own path of healing and empowerment.
Reflection Questions:
- What does it look like for you to powerfully respond instead of react?
- What reality do you need to name? Is it a fact or a felt fear?
- Where do you want to spend your energy and focus through uncertainty?
Staying engaged in the work of social justice requires the ability to hold the complexity of reality, dream for a different future, and care for your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, SO THAT you can take empowered and sustainable action to create change.
This is the practice of leading from the inside out.
Reader, I want you to be well and know it is possible. ❤️🌿
Feel Better in 25 mins or Less.
Join me Thursday 11/21 at 12:05pm CST
For a brief meditation, encouragement, and free coaching via the Rejuvenation Community Call. Everyone Welcomed.
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mpm-iqzj-xsa Or dial: (US) +1 419-718-1080 PIN: 395 109 420#
The season of gift giving is upon us. Where we spend our $$ makes a difference.
Do you have a product or favorite company that I should highlight in my list? PLEASE SHARE! Hit reply to be included in my list.