Issue 69 - What story are you writing in this moment?
13 days ago • 2 min readHello Reader, How are you? This week, I'm inviting you to reflect on the story that you are currently living in and what role you are playing. Every single day there is a soundtrack playing in the background of our mind. The soundtrack is our belief systems and practiced identity which tells us who we are and how we respond. That soundtrack informs our habits and routines, which reaffirms who we are and what we believe. But the beautiful thing about being human is... we have the power to...
READ POSTIssue 60 - Resolutions are not the problem
2 months ago • 2 min readHappy New Year! Whether you prefer to celebrate a new school year, month, season, or moon there is something energizing about a fresh start. Everyone needs the freedom to start anew. I often remind my clients that every day, and actually, every moment we have the privilege of restarting. New Years just happens to be a moment where we find ourselves in community with others desiring to start anew. I know the majority of people that join the gym or set resolutions January 1 get a bad rap for...
READ POSTIssue 57 - I DID IT! You can too
3 months ago • 3 min readHi Reader, , It is always an honor to walk along side you, sharing my journey. Today, I'm celebrating a YEAR of writing this weekly newsletter. It has been A JOURNEY - not easy and I'm feeling proud. I felt compelled to share some of my learnings that you can apply to any big project or dream you hold. FIVE Tips for you to consider: Starting and restarting is part of the process. It was 2017 (seven years ago) when I first verbalized my desire to write more. I had ideas to share following grad...
READ POSTIssue 56 - The Subtle Way to Take Control of your Feelings and Reality
3 months ago • 3 min readHi Reader, How are you? Really, on a scale of 1 to 10? 😮💨 1 = Hair on fire, simultaneously dreading and longing for the year-end break. 😎 10 = I'm killing it! Even the news can't get me down. I tend to get a mix of responses but one thing that seems to be common is that people have "A lot" going on the difference is how people feel about it. Whether you are at a 1 or a 10 getting outside support to clarify your thinking and feeling puts you back in the driver seat of your life. ⚡️ If you are...
READ POSTIssue 54 - The change in our control
4 months ago • 1 min readHi Reader, How are you feeling? Yesterday I sent an email with the subject Happiness & Peace is Possible. I know it kind of sounds like something embroidered on a decorative pillow, a cheesy wish; a phrase that could easily be dismissed in the face of whatever challenges you are feeling. It is, however the title of the opening chapter of, you are here - Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment by Thich Nhat Hanh. A peace activist and exile from his home country, Thich Nhat Hanh is not...
READ POSTIssue 53 - The space between
4 months ago • 2 min readHi Reader, How are you? You can expect me, as a leadership coach, to talk about mental wellness and "focusing on the things we can control". AND I believe it is also important to recognize and name the environment and moment in which we find ourselves, much of which we can't control. Ignoring the political and economic environment while gripping to a "positive mindset" can lead to feeling inauthentic. Misalignment between what we feel in our body and what we try to force our heads to believe...
READ POSTIssue 45 - DEI & DNA - Why culturally rooted leadership matters
6 months ago • 3 min readWe’re now on the third edition of the Hispanic Heritage 2024 Inside Out Newsletter. Last year, I wrote about the phrase, “Ni de aquí, ni de allá“, translated as, “From neither here nor there” and refers to a lack of belonging felt within the Latino community. And yet with healthy integration and empowered reframing, I have, over the years, owned my experience, my story, and my unique leadership. Our identities, family history, and ethnic heritage do impact how we feel and show up in the world...
READ POSTIssue 44 - Do you care too much?
6 months ago • 4 min readHi Reader, There's something important I want to say, If you're the type of person who feels things deeply, the world needs you. AND... the world needs you to NOT beat yourself up or let the emotions around you drain you beyond empty. I often say, leadership is EMOTIONAL—especially if you care. And if you're reading this newsletter, you're the type of person who cares. Cares about changing the world. Cares about your team. Cares about becoming a better leader. But who cares for you? There's...